
Friday, March 29, 2019

Ocean Pollution and how we can make a difference

In school I was working on a google slide to show why ocean pollution is a problem and how we could fix it and make a change.
I spent two weeks progressing on this and my outcome was good.
I got help from people on google forms who evaluated my work and then i changed it according to the suggestions.
Overall my outcome turned out good.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Art On Sumopaint

This is some art I previously made on Sumo-paint, It was actually really fun to make and i'll definitely make more in the future.
I am really interested in art.
The art features a sunset in the woods and I added the white for extra detail which surprisingly worked really well ;3

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


So far my Milo progress is going well, I've been more focused on art my favorite artist which is Christina Lorre.
Image result for christina lorreImage result for christina lorre art

she has done many artworks and i'm looking to follow her techniques.